Rolling Enrollment




    Webcam, Zoom


    28 hours

    Office Hours (Zoom)

    Check in to get help with a course or project or receive feedback on your portfolio! Buy 3 sessions and the 4th one's on us!
    Write your awesome label here.

    What's Included?

    30-minute Zoom call

    Need help? You're in the right place. We can help you with: 
    • pre-production planning
    • shooting/editing tips
    • feedback on your professional portfolio
    • breaking through creative blocks

    Preparing for your session

    Please arrive on time. No refunds will be issued for missed sessions without 24 hours advance notice. If you have materials you would like to review during the call, please email them at least 12 hours before your session so we can make the most of our time together.
    Write your awesome label here.
    how does it work?

    Office Hours Overview

    We all need a little support from time to time. Office Hours are a great way for you to check in, ask questions and get feedback.
    Write your awesome label here.
    Write your awesome label here.


    Keith Battle

    Chief Problem Solver
    Keith is a filmmaker, musician, martial artist and dungeon master. His passion for storytelling runs deep and wide. Keith is the founder of One Tiny Problem and also serves as our lead instructor. His feature length documentary, Beyond the Gap, will premiere in late 2024.
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